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Webinar on "Wired and Wireless Grid Integration Methods of Electric Vehicles (EVs)"
Network Planning With Electric Vehicles Integration Webinar
EV Integration Project Webinar 2: electricity network modelling, EV considerations, initial results
Integrating plug in EVs with the grid in California. Noel Crisostomo, California Energy Commission
Wireless Charging in Electric Vehicle
Grid-Interactive Microgrid Charging Infrastructural Network for Electric Vehicles with IS
EEE - DAY - 3 FDP "Applications of Wireless Charging System in Electric Vehicles".
Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) - On-Demand Webinar
Electric Vehicles and Its Grid Integration
IEEE PES webinar 2020 - Prof. Saifur Rahman
EEEAA Webinar Series: Prof Ron Hui - "Wireless Power: Current Status & Future Trends"
ICCCA-2020: Keynote-5 by Professor Udaya K. Madawala, The University of Auckland New Zealand